Friday 30 November 2012

#7 Pasar Seni- Central Market Area

In October our design class had a field trip to Pasar Seni, the Central Market Area to observe the environment there. We were asked to take pictures in groups of the place. Not all of us had cameras hence we decided to share the photos.
It was an interesting trip as we observe the people around us and not to forget, THE GRAFFITIS!

(credits to Seng Yew)


The Bunch of Monkeys: Got tricked into candid shots 

#Pictures taken(with permission) from:

#6 Surrealism: Representation of the Mind Artwork in Photoshop

Not too long ago, during tutorials, we were given a task which was to complete a surrealism artwork: "Representation of the Mind" using photoshop from a website. In addition to that, we were asked to show our progress on this task. Here it is! 

It was a good first try I'd say. (: 


#5 Art Movement

So, not so long ago we were introduced to something new called art movement (or at least, new to me). Hahhah. An art movement is a style in art with a specific common philosophy followed by a group of artists during a restricted period of time which is important in modern art, when each consecutive movement was considered as a new avant-garde. We learnt 14 different art movements which are;
  1. Art Deco
  2. Abstract Art
  3  Art Nouveau
  4. Baroque 
  5. Bauhaus
  6. Contructivism
  7. Cubism
  8. Dada
  9. Expressionism
10. Futurism
11. Impressionism
12. Naive Art
13. Renaissance
14. Surrealism

Out of the 14 art movements, we were asked to pick one and blog about it. 
I choose: Naive Art.

"My Colorful Nicaragua" by Noel Calero 

Naive art
The word "naive" says it all. It shows a childlike simplicity in its technique.
This classification of art resulted in
- effects of perspective geometrically erroneous (awkward aspect of the works, children's drawings look, or medieval painting look)
- strong use of pattern
- unrefined color on all the plans of the composition without enfeeblement in the background
- an equal accuracy brought to details, including those of the background which should be shaded off.

"How`s a pain starts running out of my heart" by Dmitry Bukhrov
"Boy on the rocks" by Henri Rousseau

Monday 5 November 2012

#4 Light Burst

So, not so long ago we were asked to create a Light Burst Text during tutorials and to insert the text into any background picture to our liking. This tutorial was tough and it took me more than once to complete it. Much effort was put in and finally it's done! (Yaayyyy..!)

Here's what I decided to do! 

"To Burst One's Bubble" 

The idiom means to destroy one's illusion or fantasy, however, I'd like to keep this picture open to your interpretation. It could mean many things. 


Friday 2 November 2012

#3 Colours


So, a few weeks back during lecture we learned about colours. We were asked to choose our favorite colour and to talk about how it makes us feel. In other words, what are our emotions towards our favorite colour. 

My all time favorite colour, I'd say, would be ORANGE. Orange had always been my number one so-called "eye candy" though I'm a colourful person in general.

Orange gives me a very warm environment at times as it resembles the sun, it keeps me calm and helps me relaxed. To be around an orange environment somehow makes me think better, a place where I can focus on my thoughts. (That's probably why I actually like sitting in Mcdonalds which has orange wallpapers, or maybe orange makes me want to eat as well, Teeheee!) Besides that, orange makes me feel powerful and refreshed. It has a very fresh vibe to it like the orange fruit. I love having orange items. I would wear orange clothings on days that are gloomy just to make my day bright. (:

#Orange, is the way to go.