Friday 30 November 2012

#5 Art Movement

So, not so long ago we were introduced to something new called art movement (or at least, new to me). Hahhah. An art movement is a style in art with a specific common philosophy followed by a group of artists during a restricted period of time which is important in modern art, when each consecutive movement was considered as a new avant-garde. We learnt 14 different art movements which are;
  1. Art Deco
  2. Abstract Art
  3  Art Nouveau
  4. Baroque 
  5. Bauhaus
  6. Contructivism
  7. Cubism
  8. Dada
  9. Expressionism
10. Futurism
11. Impressionism
12. Naive Art
13. Renaissance
14. Surrealism

Out of the 14 art movements, we were asked to pick one and blog about it. 
I choose: Naive Art.

"My Colorful Nicaragua" by Noel Calero 

Naive art
The word "naive" says it all. It shows a childlike simplicity in its technique.
This classification of art resulted in
- effects of perspective geometrically erroneous (awkward aspect of the works, children's drawings look, or medieval painting look)
- strong use of pattern
- unrefined color on all the plans of the composition without enfeeblement in the background
- an equal accuracy brought to details, including those of the background which should be shaded off.

"How`s a pain starts running out of my heart" by Dmitry Bukhrov
"Boy on the rocks" by Henri Rousseau

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