Friday 7 December 2012

#8 National Art Gallery

Last month the lecturer brought the students for a second  trip to the National Art Gallery.
We were told to jot down notes/artworks that caught our attention as we weren't allowed to take any pictures in the gallery. Unfortunately, I was absent that day.
However, I managed to visit the place accompanied by one of my classmates. So, here it is!

The painting: "Fatamorgana #5 flying lessons" by Fuad Osman caught my eye. This oil painting shows a mother holding her baby by his top using her teeth. The interpretation was that she is teaching her baby son to fly or stand with his own feet. A mother can only try her best to help guide her child in growing up. The painting was filled with emotion which was depicted in the faces of the mother and the child. The mother's eyes showed great strength and determination while the child looked as if he was crying. As so, though it may be tough, to stand on your own two feet is not impossible. This helped me appreciate my parents more. (:


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